Anxiety can influence all areas of our lives, including our professional endeavors. If left unmanaged, workplace anxiety can have a detrimental effect on our careers.


For instance, you might feel overwhelmed at the idea of taking on a promotion if it involves more client interaction, frequent presentations, or increased travel. This stress may lead you to decline the promotion, along with the associated pay raise. Similarly, social anxiety might make you less likely to engage in casual conversations with colleagues or attend office events, limiting your ability to build a strong professional network.


Thankfully, there are several ways to manage anxiety in the workplace. If you frequently experience anxiety while at work, consider these strategies:


  • Keep your workspace, computer desktop, and email inbox organized to minimize clutter.
  • Develop prioritized to-do lists and ensure you allocate enough time to complete each task.
  • Communicate with coworkers if you’re unable to take on additional responsibilities.
  • Seek help when you start to feel overwhelmed.
  • Set boundaries by not checking work emails or voicemails outside of business hours.
  • Take regular vacations—even a staycation can help you relax and refresh.
  • Take short breaks whenever anxiety arises, whether by practicing breathing exercises or taking a quick walk.
  • Maintain a healthy lifestyle by eating well, staying hydrated, exercising, and ensuring you get enough rest.
  • Learn More About Managing Anxiety


If anxiety is affecting your ability to cope at work, at home, or in other areas of life, we’re here to help. Our compassionate therapists are well-versed in treating anxiety and can provide personalized support based on your unique situation. Contact us today to learn more about our services and to schedule your first therapy session.