Have you recently faced the disappointment of losing a dream? Maybe you always envisioned attending your parents’ alma mater, only to receive a rejection letter. Or perhaps you hoped to reunite with a former partner, only to find out they’ve married someone else. You might have dreamed of starting a family, but are now struggling with infertility.


No matter the situation, losing a dream can trigger feelings of grief, including disbelief, sadness, and anger. Here are some steps to help you navigate through this emotional process and begin healing:


Allow Yourself to Grieve: Grief isn’t just reserved for death or illness; it’s natural to grieve the loss of a dream. Take the time you need to process your emotions, and don’t let others downplay your experience.


Stay Grounded in Reality: If a past relationship is no longer an option, remind yourself of the reasons for the initial breakup. Acknowledging what wasn’t working can help you move forward.


Explore Alternatives: Your dream may still be achievable, just in a different form. If you’ve faced infertility, for example, consider other paths to parenthood like adoption or surrogacy.


And remember these wise words from C.S. Lewis: “You are never too old to set a new goal or to dream a new dream.”


We’re Here to Help

If you’re struggling with the loss of a dream, speaking with an experienced therapist can make a world of difference. Our therapists specialize in grief and can provide the support and guidance you need to heal. Contact us today to schedule a session and take the first step towards recovery.