Is your child entering the college phase, between ages 18 to 22? Congratulations! It’s an exciting milestone, but it also comes with new challenges for parents. Here are some common issues you may encounter during this time:


Long-Distance Adjustments: If your child is going away to college, you might feel a mix of pride and worry, especially if this is your first extended separation. Keep yourself occupied with hobbies and social activities, and soon, your sadness will turn into pride and excitement.


Balancing College Freedom with Home Rules: When your child returns home for breaks, they may struggle to readjust to house rules after experiencing newfound freedom at school. While it’s important to set expectations around chores and curfews, try to be flexible and acknowledge that they are now young adults.


Managing Academic Stress: College coursework can be more demanding than high school, and students may be tempted to prioritize socializing over studying. Encourage time management and self-care, and be alert to signs of anxiety or depression, but allow your child to navigate these challenges independently.


Need Support with College-Aged Parenting?

If you’d like professional guidance on navigating the challenges of parenting college-aged children, contact us today. Our experienced therapists can offer personalized strategies to support you and your family during this transitional period.