Do you have a friend or family member who often experiences panic attacks? If so, you may be seeking ways to recognize when they are happening and how to offer support. Below, you’ll find helpful tips and guidance.


Recognizing a Panic Attack

It can be challenging to identify when someone else is having a panic attack, even if you’ve experienced them yourself. Your loved one may be having a panic attack if they:


  • Appear flushed, sweaty, or hot (for instance, they might remove an outer layer of clothing).
  • Are shivering or trembling.
  • Are hyperventilating or struggling to breathe.
  • Suddenly become very quiet or withdrawn.
  • How to Help During a Panic Attack

If you think someone you care about is having a panic attack, it’s crucial to remain calm and offer gentle support. Here are some ways you can help:


  • Reassure them that they are safe, the attack will pass soon, and that you are there to support them.
  • Guide them through slow, deep breathing exercises.
  • Take them outside or open a window to provide fresh air.
  • Move to a quieter or more private space if possible.
  • Offer a glass of water.

If your loved one often experiences panic attacks, consider discussing with them, when they’re feeling calmer, how they’d prefer to be supported in the future.


Seeking Professional Support

If someone close to you regularly experiences panic attacks, consider connecting with one of the experienced therapists at our practice. We specialize in treating panic attacks and can provide you with strategies and tools to better support your loved one. Contact us today to schedule a consultation.